Clicks, likes and shares are cute - but alone, they’re not going to pay the bills. You need a social media strategy that can.

Facebook and Instagram are the social platforms running the world at the moment, and they have created an unprecedented way for businesses to build their brand, their popularity, and, most crucially, their revenue through smart social media marketing. Melbourne businesses are jumping on board with our team because of our super savvy way with social media, and how we can get it to boost their results with our social media experts working tirelessly at it. The best part? It takes basically no extra effort from you to get it going.

Let’s get you on social media.

Everyone’s on social media already!

And your business should be, too! After all, most folks spend at least one out of every five minutes scrolling the Facebook or Instagram timelines. That makes it the perfect place to advertise your brand to consumers on a very large scale. They might have never heard of your brand before, but within seconds, they have paused and clicked on your advert because it is something they are interested in. Voila, you’ve suddenly got a new potential customer looking at your website and considering your products and services.

Smart social media campaigns generate leads that convert into sales

Facebook & Instagram ads have been supporting brands of all shapes and sizes to smash their business goals, allowing them to scale up incredibly fast and easily. Facebook and Instagram have millions of users, and through targeted social media as, you can pinpoint the consumers most likely to be interested in your brand or what you offer. They do this with the huge amount of personal data they are able to freely and consensually collect from their users about their browsing and purchasing habits. By using this information to target the most relevant customers to show your adverts to, you’ll get more conversions, clicks, video views and actual leads to create real purchases.

hire a facebook ads agency in Melbourne to setup conversion tracking

With Facebook and Instagram’s detailed ad managers built into both platforms, we can measure each and every social media conversion to make sure that the strategies we’re implementing are working. It means we can prove that our campaigns are actually working for your brand and delivering results.

How to Choose the Right Social Media Marketing in Melbourne & Beyond

Facebook and Insta have a common type of users, but even so, they serve very different purposes and host very different demographics. Because of the different demographics and potential interactions each offers, different businesses can benefit from running ads through one, or both, depending on their particular services and products. Instagram hosts younger demographics than those on Facebook, and its advertising is more streamlined, whereas Facebook has a wider network being enjoyed by much wider demographic and more detailed targeting features.

To choose which social platform you want to advertise on, or if it would be better to advertise on both - it’s going to take a bit of research.

You’ll need to take a hard look at your content to figure out what sort of content you’ll use to advertise your business. The two platforms have different processes and functions for sharing and boosting media.

Studying how folks behave on social media

Facebook’s main user behaviour leans a lot more into sharing informative long-form written content like articles, case studies, blog posts and external links, while Instagram heavily favours visual content like videography and photography to engage its users to engage with it. Intriguing each of these audience pools needs a different approach, and your business may organically lend itself to one way or another. Or – it could be a blend of both, and that’s ok. If you figure out the behaviours of your ideal consumers on Facebook and Instagram, it won’t matter what you post if you’re showing it to the wrong audience.

Stand out from the digital crowd

As a part of our consumer research as your social media marketing agency. we take a close look at what your competitors are doing well and make a plan to ensure your content stands out amongst theirs. This plan might include implementing a more regular content schedule to pry attention from other brands, or we might try a new angle or format for your content that will be intriguing for your chosen consumers. 

Studying how folks behave on
social media

Facebook’s main user behaviour leans a lot more into sharing informative long-form written content like articles, case studies, blog posts and external links, while Instagram heavily favours visual content like videography and photography to engage its users to engage with it. Intriguing each of these audience pools needs a different approach, and your business may organically lend itself to one way or another. Or - it could be a blend of both, and that’s ok. If you figure out the behaviours of your ideal consumers on Facebook and Instagram, it won’t matter what you post if you’re showing it to the wrong audience.

Stand out from the digital crowd

As a part of our consumer research as your social media marketing agency. we take a close look at what your competitors are doing well and make a plan to ensure your content stands out amongst theirs. This plan might include implementing a more regular content schedule to pry attention from other brands, or we might try a new angle or format for your content that will be intriguing for your chosen consumers.

No matter which social media marketing Melbourne you need, we are the experts at dealing with both! We will work with your brand to design the most beneficial set of ads across the right social media platforms that speak to the right customer demographic.

your social media marketing goals realised

Facebook advertising agency in Melbourne

The repetitive theme of running a social media advertising campaign is understanding clearly what your goals are. You need to ascertain what you mean to achieve by running ad sets across Facebook and Instagram. This goal can be as seemingly minor as encouraging consumers to click on your ads, and therefore visit your website. The goal could also be building awareness of your business by having them engage in the content you’re posting, persuading customers to sign up to your mailing list or even hitting ‘buy now’.  

Every single good ad that is posted has a simple goal that is straightforward with no kinks in the road. Trying to make the goal too complicated can muddle the message, confound your customers and press pause on your progress in the directionless mission to be a more successful business overall. We have to plan in small, measurable steps. 

Facebook advertising agency – Melbourne team can do that by breaking down large goals into smaller, bite sized goals to give each of your social media adverts a defined purpose to play out. With the help of Instagram & Facebook’s innovative platforms, we can then measure how well those adverts actually are doing their job to build the bigger picture. We can directly compare two kinds of adverts alongside each other in real time with A/B testing, measuring how both perform simultaneously with slightly different messaging or imagery or deal offers to learn what kind of advert from your brand is really going to get your customers excited and engaging with you! 

Organic engagements

Create Natural Interest with Facebook & Instagram Ads in Melbourne
When we create any kind of campaign, we never want to start by showing all of our cards at once. We don’t know what stage they are at in their relationship with your brand - they might never have heard of you before, so we don’t want to be a bit cheeky and tell them to buy now, immediately. You can introduce your brand to potential customers through social media ads, and gradually nurture them into paying clients. By targeting the right audience at the right time, you can appeal to consumers at every stage of their relationship with your brand.

Time to grow us some customers

How to advertise to warm and cold audiences
In advertising, we refer to audiences as warm and cold, and we talk to them a bit differently. Cold audiences don’t know you yet or how you can help them (remember the term ‘cold calling’), and so you’re not as likely to be able to sell them anything - even if it’s something they actually want. They have to trust you first. Heard the term ‘facebook scam’? We need to convince them that you are anything but. We do that with different messaging in specifically targeted ads. You don't need to yell out to attract the customers, but just to build a bit of common interest with the audience - no pressure, maybe a nice offer in exchange for a mailing list sign up, or a little bit of info about what you do or sell. If it’s something they need, they’ll naturally take notice and check it out.

Warm audiences have interacted with your brand already when they were at the ‘cold’ stage, and now they’ve warmed up to the idea of engaging with your business more because they’ve been reading your content, maybe they’ve signed up for your mailing list and seen some more messages, and now they’re convinced you’re legitimate. Legitimacy creates confidence in a consumer, and they’ll be paying attention now. We’ll send them messages that are a bit more friendly, cheeky or persuasive, because we know each other now and it’s cool to be more familial. When we get this stage, they are more likely to spend money and time on your brand. It’s all about what you do no which decides whether they choose to use your services, or your competitors. You’ve introduced them to a need they may not have known they had - and you want them to solve it with you instead of shopping around.

Organic engagements

Create Natural Interest with Facebook & Instagram Ads in Melbourne

When we create any kind of campaign, we never want to start by showing all of our cards at once. We don’t know what stage they are at in their relationship with your brand – they might never have heard of you before, so we don’t want to be a bit cheeky and tell them to buy now, immediately. You can introduce your brand to potential customers through social media ads, and gradually nurture them into paying clients. By targeting the right audience at the right time, you can appeal to consumers at every stage of their relationship with your brand.

Time to grow us some customers

How to advertise to warm and cold audiences

In advertising, we refer to audiences as warm and cold, and we talk to them a bit differently. Cold audiences don’t know you yet or how you can help them (remember the term ‘cold calling’), and so you’re not as likely to be able to sell them anything – even if it’s something they actually want. They have to trust you first. Heard the term ‘facebook scam’? We need to convince them that you are anything but. We do that with different messaging in specifically targeted ads. You don’t need to yell out to attract the customers, but just to build a bit of common interest with the audience – no pressure, maybe a nice offer in exchange for a mailing list sign up, or a little bit of info about what you do or sell. If it’s something they need, they’ll naturally take notice and check it out.

Warm audiences have interacted with your brand already when they were at the ‘cold’ stage, and now they’ve warmed up to the idea of engaging with your business more because they’ve been reading your content, maybe they’ve signed up for your mailing list and seen some more messages, and now they’re convinced you’re legitimate. Legitimacy creates confidence in a consumer, and they’ll be paying attention now. We’ll send them messages that are a bit more friendly, cheeky or persuasive, because we know each other now and it’s cool to be more familial. When we get to this stage, they are more likely to spend money and time on your brand. It’s all about what you do not which decides whether they choose to use your services or your competitors. You’ve introduced them to a need they may not have known they had – and you want them to solve it with you instead of shopping around.

get a facebook & instagram advertising agency in melbourne run local ads

Hone in on local customers with geo-modified Facebook & Instagram Ads in Melbourne or beyond

Within your radius of servicing, there are a tonne of smaller specific areas that can be targeted to catch a more persnoalised audience. You can adjust your social media marketing to be geo-modified, targeting users who are listed to be in that area. That means when they are interested in something based on their browsing and purchasing habits, they are going to see your brand, and see that it is in their direct vicinity – and be more likely to use your services over a more generalised service. It’s not unlike casting a smaller, tighter net over relevant leads, rather than a gigantic net with big holes in it. An unlocalized ad will have a wider reach, but it won’t be as relevant to potential customers in a specific area. For example, someone looking for social media marketing in Melbourne would be more interested in an ad specifically for that area than an ad for all of Australia. Facebook and Instagram are more likely to show a more relevant ad to users, so it’s important to consider when creating an ad campaign.

Are we vibing?

How can I hire the best social media marketing agency in Melbourne?

We don’t like to boast, but… In all seriousness, the best social marketing agency for you is going to rely on your goals, your budget, and the kind of results you want to achieve from your social media marketing. Some agencies and clients just vibe, and others don’t, and it’s important to feel confident with who you’re working with when dealing with your social media marketing. Melbourne businesses are working with Chalk n’ Cheese to get real results, regardless of what industry they’re advertising. Let’s start by having a no-obligation chat and let’s see if we’re the right fit for your brand!

Ready to make the most of your social media marketing?

It’s time to start advertising where your people are – talk to us today about how to get started.