What are Google Search Ads & How Can it Benefit Your Business?

Google Adwords gets you appearing on Google’s Top Listings for key phrases you select. Conversion based optimisation is the process of utilising AdWords data to make continuous adjustments to a campaign with the overall goal of achieving a better cost per acquisition. Whether you’re running a services business or a retail shop there are fundamental conversion points to be tracked to better determine what return on investment your AdWords Ad spend is providing you.

From there, you can:

  • Determine which keywords provide you with the best conversions.
  • Create ads around those keywords.
  • Adjust your landing pages to increase conversions.
  • Keep testing new keywords on a continuous basis.

The Case Study

Our team has run over a thousand campaigns across hundreds of industries. Talk to us & find out if Facebook is a good fit for you.

The Background

After seeing a gap in the marketplace for small plastering jobs. Our client approached us about creating a new brand and marketing strategy to service this need.

The Approach

After conducting market research to better understand what the customer was searching for, we developed a list of the most frequent key themes including “wall repair” and “plaster repair”. This allowed us to set up their website with dedicated pages to target these key phrases.

The Results (over the first 30 day period)

the ad appeared
the ad was clicked
of the clicks turned into leads
1 %
leads were produced
was the cost for each lead
$ 1

we didn't stop there

We find that there is a key digital channel for every industry, yours might be Google Search Ads.

We Kept Improving!

Unlike traditional methods of advertising, the launch of a digital ad is only the beginning of the journey. We looked at what the data was telling us then implemented key adjustments to improve the performance of the campaigns key objectives: generate more leads and reduce the cost per lead.

some of the basics we looked at

  • We determined their best converting keywords.
  • We created campaigns specifically for those keywords.
  • We created new landing pages for the keywords.
  • We implemented on-page SEO changes to each page to increase the Google quality score.
  • We changed their bidding strategy to “Maximise Conversions” which is an available Google feature that will adjust small aspects to achieve better conversion ratios.


The Results (over the first 30 day period)

the ad appeared
the ad was clicked
of clicks converted into clicks
1 %
leads were produced
(332% increase in leads)
was the new cost for each lead
(cost per lead reduced by 23%)
$ 1

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conversion focused Google Ads campaign specialists.